Vertical Blinds give a touch of modernism both to your home or office, by being a versatile product that you can adjust according to your preferences due to a wide range of fabrics and colors that our company provides. The slats are made out of impregnated textiles and you are able to choose your favorite fabric from the wide collection that we offer.
Depending on the fabric and color choice, you can build the most diverse environment, depending on your taste. Multiple shapes and maneuvering possibilities contribute significantly to the individualization of your interior environment. Blackout fabrics allow greater light control so that the light can be completely blocked if this is desired. Depending on the orientation of the slats, light can be conducted in various ways, controlling it the way you desire.
Vertical Blinds are a very popular product and our company can provide a rich palette of fabrics and colors. The textile slats can have widths of 127 mm or 89 mm. Operation can be achieved both manually with cord or by motor, by using a remote control.
Tehnical details
Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds give a touch of modernism both to your home and office, being a versatile product that you can adjust depending on your preference because of the range of fabrics and colors that our company provides to you. The slats are made of impregnated fabric stripes, you can choose the preferred material of the three collections that we provide you.
This is a basic collection where you will find the most sought and most accessible materials in terms of price.
For us quality is not a question but an answer. This is a top collection for those demanding, made of quality materials that leave no room for compromise!
Features of used materials
- Material type: anodized aluminum profile
- Source: import.
- Color: white
- The headrail can be made in an angled, curved variant or on arch.
- Slat width: 127mm, 90mm.
- Slat source: import.
- Colors: upon request, from a palette of colors for each type of material.
Possible dimensions of the blind
- Blind width: 35cm … 600cm, depending on the needs of the beneficiary
- Blind length: maximum 600cm depending on the needs of the beneficiary.
- The headrail can also be made in the inclined variant.
Handling system:
The handling system is designed so as to provide easy handling with minimal effort.
The handling system can be realized in two variants:
- Manual operation system
- Electric operation system
The manual operation system allows the vertical rotation of the slats with 360 ° (thereby allowing the adjustment of the light that penetrates through the blind) and a pulling system that allows full drawing of the blind. The operation of the rotation system is done through a bead handling chain, and the drawing of the blinds is done through a separate chain.
The electric operation system enables rotation of the slats and their drawing by simply pushing the button. The electric operation is done with an electric drive system with two motors, of continuous current of 12 V, 9VA applied at the end of the headrail. At start-up (at first connection to the network) the blind control system, coordinated by a microprocessor, performs all necessary adjustments (the carts align so that the blinds rotate with the same angle for each slat, are fixed the distances between the slats to provide the preservation of equal distance between the slats when it is fully open).
The blind can be fitted with a remote control system (which contains an infrared remote, a receiver for this remote).
The electric motor operation system type EASYLIGHT for vertical blinds has several advantages over other operation systems:
- durability,
- functional simplicity (does not require any adjustment at commissioning),
- special security in operation
At start-up (at first connection to the network) of the blind control system, coordinated by the microprocessor, performs all necessary adjustments (aligns the carts so that the blinds rotate with the same angle for each slat, positioning the distances between the slats to provide the preservation of equal distance between the slats when it is fully open). The driving command system may be made in the version with remote control (infrared type) or in the version with the switch on the wall. The system incorporates two control LEDs: one green, which indicates that the operation system is supplied with voltage and the other one in red color, indicating that an order was received from the remote control or from the switch. The operation system is supplied together with a stabilized power supply which provides power supply for the engine.
Technical features:
Supply voltage for the operation system: 12 V, continuous current, Transformer with self-protection: 220V, 50Hz AC / 12V DC Headrail size: according to beneficiary’s needs. (maximum 6ml) The possibility of ordering the rotation, but also the full drawing of the slats. The possibility of stopping the rotation or drawing at any intermediate position. Translational speed: 5 ml /s. Automatic operation system Embedded microprocessor for coordinating the operation system. Easy to install, use and maintain. Infrared remote control system. Control system with switch applied on the wall. Simple and effective system for verifying the power supply and checking the takeover of the command. The way to move the slats when they are drawn can be configured, in the case of both handling systems when assembling the headrail, in one of the following variant:
- Variant I When operated, the slats gather towards the side to the operation.
- Variant II When operated, the slats gather towards the side opposite to the operation.
- Variant III When operated, the slats move from the middle to the sides.
- Variant IV When operated, the slats move from the sides to the middle.
Very easy (also due to the fact that the material is anti-static impregnated).
– monthly is recommended the removal of the dust deposited on the slats with a brush or an electrostatic whisk.
-whenever necessary, after dusting, the slates will be cleaned by washing them with a sponge in a water temperature not exceeding 40o.
The material is impregnated and does not need ironing.
Motor blind system – Easy Light
Motor blind system – EOS